Your Value Proposition

What is your purpose? What’s your legacy? Who’s going to remember you? What are you going to be known for?

Are you doing something that is meaningful? What do you share with the world?


“EVERY life has intrinsic value. The KEY to HAPPINESS is embracing this value. The KEY to PURPOSE is deploying it into action.” Sandy Lane

Reserve Your Workshop Spot

Define Your Value Proposition Workshop

Sandy provides hand-outs and prompts, encouraging individual storytelling. The resulting narratives focus on repeated value. Journals are given out to all participants for daily logging and interactive teachings from Sandy for ongoing value deployment.

Launch your value proposition

“ There is a formula to HAPPINESS and a roadmap to PURPOSE. The key is to reassess and repeat EVERY day .” Sandy Lane


Do You Live Your Value Proposition? (keynote) + Unleashing Your Value (hands-on workshop)


(The Keynote Speech)

Most people live their days on rinse and repeat, going through the motions while looking forward to something great in their future. Whether a job promotion, life change, or needed vacation, these future events become focal points to desired future happiness. “When I get my new certification, I will be happier with work.” “When the kids graduate, I will have more time to enjoy life.” “If I made more money, I could invest more in my health.”

The power in value is that everyone has a unique value proposition, and when deployed daily in all interactions, happiness and fulfillment become a part of everyday life.

(The Hands-On Workshop)

Sandy works with the audience using interactive exercises after splitting into groups. Focusing on the first steps to unleashing their unique Value Proposition, Sandy provides hand-outs and prompts, encouraging individual storytelling. The resulting narratives are shared in groups focusing on repeated value. The workshop ends with a large interactive exercise highlighting value types and having participants come alive with re-grouping and cross-sharing of stories. Journals are given out to all participants for daily logging and interactive teachings from Sandy for ongoing value deployment.


  • Understanding how to assess and improve daily happiness + hands-on training on daily unpacking of the Happiness Factor.

  • The math behind the Happiness Factor and the formula on how to convert it to lifelong purpose + training and handouts on unleashing individual Value Proposition.

  • Successfully deploying the Power of Value during life pivots + training and journals for successful pivots using Valuation Proposition as the guiding star.


course creator, Sandy lane

Are you ready to make positive changes in your life? From big leaps to consistent daily steps forward, I will guide you to your goal. You will have a unique roadmap for executing your pivot and your value proposition to continue to help you through all life pivots.